Wish you all a healthy, peaceful & prosperous new year 2006
Managing at Home
39. Make a phone binder at home. Include in it: phone numbers, emergency information, schedules and take-out menus. Keep it by the phone.
40. Take some time out on Sunday. Make sure everyone in the family has five clean, pressed outfits for the week ahead. This will save many headaches during the week.
41. Make a menu once a week. Then make a grocery list and go through your coupons. Go to the grocery store at an off-peak hour.
42. Make each family member responsible. Have everyone put away their own clothes and belongings each night. Even a toddler can throw clothing in a hamper and help clean up toys.
43. Store items where they will be used. Keep one extra set of sheets in each bedroom. Buy a pair of scissors for each room.
44. Buy work clothing in 3 or 4 colors only. Almost everything will go together and you'll feel less stress when dressing. You can still be colorful on the weekends.
45. Make a gift wrap center. Buy a large, clear plastic container and fill it with wrapping paper, scissors, tape and ribbon. Keep it stocked.
46. Make a commitment. Take a walk for five minutes today and every day. You'll find that it is a great tension reliever and many times, you won't stop after five minutes.
47. Make a bill paying center. Buy a clean plastic shoe box and place in it your checkbook, a pen, address stamper, envelopes and stamps. Throw in bills as they arrive.
48. Buy a small hook today. Screw it into the wall next to your door at home. Always place your keys on it when entering.
49. Don't be afraid to get rid of things. If you don't love it or it's not useful on a regular basis, why keep it?
50. Keep your clutter if you love it-- just find ways to work around it so you can still be organized, productive and efficient.
Click here to read Part I
Click here to read Part II
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